This book is dated June 1954
Typed exactly as the authors wrote.

Lots of Wishes lots of Joy
Don't come to me 
for baby toys.
Carolyn Lyle

When you get old
and live in a shack
teach your children
to spit through the crack.
Patty Anderson

When you get married
and have some twins.
Dont come to me,
For safty pins.

When you get married
and live by the lake
send me a message
by a little black snake
Gene Mathis

I wish you luck
I wish you joy
I wish you first a baby boy
But when his hair begins to curl
I wish you then a baby girl
Pauline Weeks

I'll write on blue
and save the yellow
for your fellow
Tommy Sprott

Roses are red,
trees are green.
You have a shape
Like a B-17

Remember "M"
Remember "E"
Put them together
and remember me.
John Barton

To a very cute black haird girl
and don't stay around Kenny
to much this summer.
Jerry Hawkins

Lots of luck through
the years to come to 
a very nice girl.
Gerald Stephens

When you get marry
and your husband tough
Don't come to me for a can of snuff
Jimmy Arnold

May your life be like Arithmetic
Joy added
Sorrow subtracted
Friends multiplied and
Love dived
Becky Rimes

Crysanthemums are yellow
their stems green
I think you're cute
If you know what I mean

When you get married
and live on a hill
Send me a kiss
by Buffalo Bill
Patsy Roberts

Lots of luck and joy
to a very pretty girl
and a very nice friend
Mary Marsh

A true Yankee fan
A true Dodger hater
Yanks are going to win
the penant

Hi beautiful

Remember the girl of the city
Remember the girl of the town
Remember the gal who
ruined you book,
By writing upside down
Penny Stewart

Best of Luck

I have enjoyed being
with you this year.
Mrs. Martin

Don't kiss Kenny
too many times
you might wear out
your lips
Gerald Stephens

On the walls of memory's hall
Is a picture - A friendship long
to be remembered.
With pleasure it is beheld
School days gave it
Gertrude C. Dorman
June 2, 1954

When you get grown
and marry a rich man
Send me a jar
of your rich sand.
Sue Wayne Stewart

When you get married
and live down south
Don't come to me 
with your big mouth
Jerry Hawkins

When you get married
and live on a hill...
I forgot the rest
Gene Mathis

Goody Goody
I WRITE on Pink
Cause then you
can stink ... ha ha ha
Sandy B

To a very sweet girl
Jackie Johnson

You are very nice and
pretty next to Mary of course
do not kiss Kenny very much
You have one pair of lips.
Lee Purcell

When you get married
and have twins don't
pen their diapers with a
safety pen.
Arline Weeks

You're a cute little girl
with a cute little figure
So keep the boys away
Until you're lot bigger

When you get old
and out of shape
Remember corsets are
now $2.98

Girls may come
and girls may go
but not if I can help it.
Jerry Miller

You are a very very cute
girl. In fact the prettest in J.H.
Kenneth Douglas Galberaith

I think
I think
I think in vain
I think by Gosh
I'll sign my name
Sandra Mullis

When I die
Bury me deep
Bury a history book
at my feet
Tell Coach Moody
I have gone to rest
and I won't be back
for the History test
Patty Anderson

To a very sweet girl who
Will always get the Best.
Verdelle Welch

Rose are red
and vilots are sweet
sugar is sweet and so are you

It makes me giggle
It makes me laugh
To think you want
my autograph.
Linda Boyd

Make new friends.
Keep the old.
These are Silver
Those are Gold

By hook or by crook
I'll last in this Book.
Joyce Strange

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